Sunday, 13 May 2007

dune run...

the last two saturdays we spent riding the dunes in atlantis... the first time out was messy, spent most of the time in first gear struggling to get anywhere. we met up with some boere okes, they where flying around on their quads, popping wheelies and ramping off dunes... we joined them for a "knaetzie" (klipdrift and coke) - its was around 11am, but it helped the confidence a bit and the ride back to the road was a little easier.

yesterday we went off again, this time screwed off the mirrors and we went at it harder! what a jol! laid the bike down a few times but started to get it right... hit second gear, standing up on the pegs, knees hugging the tank and arms out like chicken wings, we just gave it horns. i took fall trying to corner a bit too sharply, its such a mission picking the bike up out of the sand! luke chose on of the biggest dunes (about a 30m drop) around and as he got over instead of gasing it, tapped the brakes half way down, the front wheel dug in and so he ate sand through his helmet!

definately getting the hang of it more, but need some gear to have more protection and a knobbly back tired would'nt hurt... what a rush... will put up some pics soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo, finally i can see the blog site. Good stuff. May i also add that Markus was left in my dust cloud. Luke