Sunday, 22 April 2007

the panniers....

panniers directly from KTM with the frame would set me back a cool R12'000, so basically that idea just flew out the window. the actual panniers are made by touratech, they look awesome, and seem to do the job, although the swedish dude I spoke to showed me his and they started tearing at the points where they were fixed to the frame...
so basically PK & I sent a couple hours the other day making the whole thing out of cardboard... seems like a winner here. we made a pannier first, then made another one coz the first one was too big. the frame also needed to be made so we jimmy'd the cardboard again and made the frame. basically we now have template to take to and engineering firm and ask them to make it out of metal. we are opting for the metal vs tubular (KTM's ones are like that) as we have no idea as to where we can have that made in CT. The metal will be 3mm thick - this however will certainly be heavier than the KTM/Touratech stuff...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dudes
Rob here. A good freind of Marcel minger .....PK should remember me from Switzerland. The Idea with the metal plate can work. You just have to make sure its brast well. Hollow out parts of the metal that is not nessarie and then test it for bending under the weight that you will be carrying. have a good one Rob